
About USTo science and technology To provide customers with the most satisfactory service!

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 Wuxi Dechang Precision Casting Co., Ltd. is located at a seaside place of Taihu Lake, wherethere is beautiful scenery with outstanding talents gathering together. The company ownspowerful technical strength and international advanced investment casting equipments as wellas machining capability for providing a series of high quality service to the clients, which isspecialized on the production of investment castings made by high-quality carbon steel, stainlesssteel, alloy steel and other materials. The company has passed quality certification ofISO9001:2015、ISO14001:2015、ISO45001:2018  IATF 16949:2016   possessing import     and export right. The products areexported to the United States, Japan, Europe and other regions as well.

陈巴尔虎旗| 武胜县| 壶关县| 穆棱市| 永顺县| 库车县| 韶山市| 平山县| 修文县| 玉溪市| 凤阳县| 澄城县| 灵山县| 浦县| 辛集市| 长阳| 兴安盟| 舞阳县| 嘉定区| 文安县| 阜南县| 安图县| 蒙自县| 眉山市| 方正县| 屏山县| 沙河市| 长宁区| 四会市| 吉木乃县| 泸水县| 锡林浩特市| 沂水县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 肥乡县| 定日县| 满洲里市| 宝山区| 重庆市| 泸西县| 临清市|